Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Ekonomi Malaysia Paling Terasa Kesan Perubahan Global

Pergi ke kelas ECON154 baru ni, kelas currency market. Stated that Malaysia one of the top 20 countries yang begitu aktif dengan perdagangan antarabangsa. Kalau anda jenis peka, pasti anda perasan pecahan yang begitu penting daripada pendapatan Malaysia ialah berasaskan perdagangan antarabangsa (international trade). Tu la sebabnya Malaysia paling terasa kesan kenaikan minyak dunia kerana perubahan ekonomi luar memberi kesan besar pada perubahan struktur kegiatan ekonomi yang begitu bergantung pada kegiatan perdagangan asing. Kalau pelaburan asing ditarik dari Malaysia, pasti ramai yang kehilangan kerja. Tapi ramai yang tak tahu kedudukan Malaysia ialah ke-20 di sudut keterlibatan atau keterbukaan ekonomi terhadap perdagangan dunia.

Minyak yang menjadi satu bahan asas pengangkutan cukup membebankan negara untuk menampung kos pengangkutan barang dagangan. Jangankan perdagangan antarabangsa, kegiatan ekonomi domestik pun teruk terjejas kerana kenaikan harga minyak. Teruk terjejas kerana negara mengalami masalah inflasi yang tidak dapat dibendung lagi. Even my mom said, a kilogram of chicken could cost twice as mush as 2 years ago before I went to U.S. So, imagine how serious the inflation problem is in Malaysia, right now. Kerajaan memang tidak dapat menghalang kenaikan harga barang yang terpaksa dilakukan oleh peniaga. Cuma kerajaan hanya mampu membuat satu garis panduan supaya kenaikan harga barang tidak menjangkau pada satu tahap yang membebankan pengguna. Kalau pengguna tidak mahu membeli, kegiatan ekonomi domestik akan terjejas. Kalau kerajaan berkeras menghalang kenaikan harga, alamatnya ramai peniaga terpaksa gulung tikar.

Perubahan kenaikan 10 sen minyak tidak boleh disamakan dengan kenaikan harga barang. Pengguna tidak patut menganggap kenaikan yang sama juga akan dilakukan peniaga barang komersial, iaitu menaikkan harga 10 sen bagi setiap barang dagangan. Anggapan sebegini teramatlah serong. Kenaikan harga minyak akan menjejaskan pengangkutan bahan mentah kerana kenaikan kos 10 sen bagi setiap liter minyak. Bila produksi bahan mentah naik, peniaga terpaksa menaikkan harga untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Orang tengah yang sepatutnya dihapuskan juga akan menjual pada harga yang lebih mahal daripada harga jualan pemproses bahan mentah. Ini akan menyebabkan berlaku inflasi yang mungkin melibatkan lebih dari 1 atau 2 kali ganda kenaikan harga minyak seliter. Mungkin harga ayam yang dahulunya 5 seekor akan dinaikkan menjadi 7.50 ringgit seekor, berkadaran kepada kos pengangkutan ayam yang terpaksa ditanggung penjual.

Be a smart consumer, don't be so naive to make yourself so dumb in making judgment...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Some Part of the Message from the President of Marquette Univ, Father Robert Wild, S. J.

As further proof that Marquette is on the rise, this month we advanced five places to 85th among the top 100 national universities ranked by U.S. News & World Report. The publication also credited Marquette as having an outstanding example of service learning, an academic program in which students directly serve others in the community while taking a related-area academic course. The good news continued with Marquette being listed among the 361 best institutions in the country by The Princeton Review, following our being named one of only 81 Colleges with a Conscience by the same publication earlier this year. This sort of recognition, I believe, will only increase as we harness the many new opportunities provided by our membership in the Big East Conference to tell the Marquette story on a grander stage than ever before.

This means that Marquette is improving and knowing that the university is climbing the top 100 ranking makes me feel proud :p

Today is the first day of Fall Semester, I just love to start again with a new fresh spirit... inshaALLAH :) Just can't wait to go to my first grad class on Wednesday!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Nak tau kenapa haram main belakang? Tengok klip ni KLIK SINI. Paling jelasnya, manusia dan binatang ada garisan pemisah yang cukup jelas. Tu sebab agama fitrah yang kita pegang sepatutnya memelihara fitrah kita sebagai manusia. Baru la falsafah fitrah manusia itu digunapakai dengan sebetulnya.

Because humans are not animal, and animals should not be the examples of how to live lives... the best example is still among human beings... Muslims should know who is their best example in life!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Panasnya... kepala pun dah naik pusing... tinggal sorang2 ni bagus ke idak? hmmmm... tadi siang tunggu2 la dak freshmen ni call, tapi takdak pun.... dah tertido baru la derang call... kata tak jadik, hmmm bior le.... derang mesti tengah sakan suka-suki datang sini.... pastu tengok luar, kereta dak2 ni pun takde.... ingatkan keta umah aku je takde...

Pusing-pusing membelek files laptop yang berterabur naik pening kapla. Ada orang tu tengah enjoy kat Genting, huuu tak aci betul... padahal aku sendiri baru je balik jenjalan.... gegambar pun tak update lagi... sat la dulu, nak cuba settle down dulu pasal lepas2 ni kelas dah nak mula balik... that means masa tinggal di sini dah makin singkat....

Antara English Literature dan International Currency Market, mana satu yang lagi relaks? Sem yang nak bukak ni macam risau gak pasal amik Econometrics, subjek untuk grad studies tu... mau terkontang-kanting... tapi takpe la, Scott pun ada, at least ada gang... tadok la risau sangat.... Aritu masa kelas intro je pun aku leh dapat B je, Scott sah-sah dapat A.... hai aku standard B je... tapi this time bukan intro dah, buat yang betul pnye... agak-agak apa kerja yang kena buat nanti? Harapnya tak susah la... yang malas tu nak baca dan belek buku pasal aku ni pnye la malas nak baca sebijik-sebijik... tu yang aku standard B je... dah la skang ni aku rasa aku dah jadi macam dulu, lembab bila buat kerja membaca ni... tu sebab kawan aku yang amik engine pun leh dapat A dalam Econ, aku plak yang dapat B... ni yang buat aku nak amik subjek engine ni (haha)...

Ah, pusing dah kepala aku ni... baik gi dapur masak dinner... biar la apa jadi kat orang lain... kang dok fikir orang lain je diri sendiri plak yang dilupakan.... bukan ada orang lain nak fikir pasal kita pun, memang tak mintak pun... jadi le kamu orang yang independent, toksah menyusahkan orang lain... kalau ko tak usaha sendiri, jangan dok sibuk menyusahkan orang.... ayuh diriku, jom kita usaha! masak sendiri, kang takde orang nak masak untuk kamu.... sembahyang sendiri, takut nanti takde orang nak sembahyangkan kamu...

Lazy asses are equal to lambs, being herded by man who wishes to kick their butts everyday! Shuuh you lazy asses!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

For the first time ever, I reward myself.... and for the first time in my life, I learn to think for myself...

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Sweetheart, this is the jersey I bought in Vegas
Stop Marchen
Stop Tsubasa Chronicle
Increase Self-Control
Continue Yakitate Japan
Continue Bleach
Continue Naruto
Definitely going to love Honey and Clover

I really need to reply the I with a new I.... so the new I can be referred as me, someday... because the I that referred to me right now hates people and humans so much! Hate yourself for errr ntah
Someday, I'll be in a picture like these... can I make it?

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Pahang State Council 1955-56

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Pahang State Council 1940

Credit goes to ma mom's friend in Islip, Oxford. How lazy I have become these days to think for myself. Need to take some time to reply the email sent to me about these pictures. Still figuring out the name of each figure in the pictures. Oh God, give me the path to solve this mission.
Dari agungkan AF yang budus, baik tengok gambar atas ni... baru la realiti betapa zaman dahulu kita kemaruk nak perintah negara sendiri... bila dah perintah negara sendiri, AF plak menular... hancus!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mannn... I'm just so sick of having people in my brain.... Just need a break.... got soooo tired of treating all the needs of others..... People ooo people, stop asking me! For the sake of me, keep looking by yourself you lazy asses.... If you were my brother, it should be loooong time ago I kick your butt! Ask yourself more, don't just ask others.... I'm sick of people who just know to be dependent.... be on your own, you don't know? Just don't keep asking me.... I want to make myself busy for my own sake, just for a second.... I need a break....

Ask my brother how he feel tired of being lectured by me for telling him to look things for himself.... Like I said, I'm tired of answering things knowing you don't look for yourself first.... outta my way!! I'm sooo tired these days... baaah I need a break!!
I am so happy, coz Dr. Nourzad already recognized me. What a big surprise he knows me until now, maybe because I am one of the rare students. Not because I am a good one, just because I am a Malaysian student. Very little in the past for him to get a Malaysian student, so I am one of the little. Actually, what really makes me happy right now is because the respond that Dr. Nourzad gave to me. He said I should not take vacation because I am a student, then I replied saying that I am deifinitely a student, A STUDENT OF LIFE (we both laughed ha ha). No... not about this, I am so relief to learn a way to solve my problem because I could not register for his class. So, the solution is simple, he'll give me a new number to register for the class.

So, that means I can still go through the process of partly learning the graduate level of economics, which is taking a real class of Econometrics, as I had done with the intro level. Cannot wait to be in the class 'coz surely, I'll be in trouble with the assignments, but hey it's Econometrics.

Fall season will start next week, a friend of mine already started his this week.... so, a bit lucky here for being a week late, so still have time to take some more breathe of relaxtion :D
The late Ahmad Deedat wrote:
"ALLELUYA" is actually "YA ELLAHU" or in arabic should be "YA ALLAHU"... so, let not be like the Christians who are confused with the Semitic language... as Bro Fazrul put in the 1st principle of Systemic Thinking which is to be semantic (not semitic :D)... why? Because, being semantic means to be one who understands meaning (correctly).

Napoleon Hill wrote:
Self-control is one of the powers of achieving success. He, to me who is a great writer and observer, concluded Self-control as the 8th principle in his Law of Success. This is important for those who want to succeed. I myself agree that I lack self control, this had led me to sway/divert from my aim, always (not sometimes). I did lots of mistake, mocking those who succeed and spitting words to many people. All because I got less self-control. I totally agree to Hill's statement that the gospel/religious teachings train people to be more in self-control. Hill revealed a result of his survey on American inmates which sounds 92 percent of the inmates agree that because of lack of self-control had sent them into prison. Those who cannot control their desire to molest/kill/shoot/beat/andwhatsoever to innocent others are those who have the least self-control (of their own selves or desires).

Having good authors feed our minds with pearls, regardless of their religious background, as long as the Golden Rules being applied :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Take The quiz yourself

Haha I got Rukia... luckily, I like this character so much! What can I say, we both are alike.... muahahaha :p

Adeih... ada ke patut sikap aku sama dgn karakter pempuan? hampeh... tapi Rukia pnye pasal, okay la hehe

Monday, August 08, 2005

Psyche/Ensoul Yourself...

I JUST HATE A SMILING FACE.... your face or even my face with a smile on it, it is so uncool. What do you think? See at your own face, and see how you smile. DO you like it? But, smile is a blessing gift. Why don't you smile? Hmmmm maybe it's just because errr not m'nature t'smile.

I was (and still am) not up to a level to be among the great THOSE who succeed. Why? Because I could not put a sincere smile for success, not cool. Why? Because I have met so many great people who succeed with their lives... but me? I'm just a loser who has nothing.... but one day, a present loser will be a future winner.... what a bluff...

So many great people, but hate to see 'em smile. Why? Feeling so envy to their joy of life? Or, jealous 'coz of their so-called successes.... nope, it's just because I'm nothing here... a nothing hates something that exist... hate yourself, then, because you got nothing in you... jangan ada yang gila udah 'coz to be successful, you need to win yourself first!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Best gak ni...

Who is you great teacher?
The New Age of Blogging

I had visited some blogs own by my friends, who teamed up among themselves in writing the blogs. So interesting knowing how this new trend had flourished. One of the good thing I can feel is the maintenance of good will and niyyah. When you write only from you fingers, you might tend to feel selfish. In a sense you feel, "Hey people out there, ask me if you want something." But, when you opened up a blog with you friends, you'll tend to be, "Yes, you can take anything you want, we share this for you visitors to take benefits out of it."

'Coz I've seen some bloggers who are so "tamak" and claim rights on their works. I'm not offending such action. It's good too to claim you authorship on your works so people can critisize and comment at your face, not wandering around looking for the true author. But, to some extent, when it comes to only a small piece of work, I just think we'd better let things go free. Maybe that's my way of doing things, you can take what you want 'coz all the products of me is the work of Almighty God. If you want to save a picture from my fotopages, go ahead. I got no problem with that. If you want to copy my work, just take it. I have no problem with that, as long as people do no harm to me. Don't take my works just b'coz you wanna kick my ass. That one is totally out of my line. But, to correct me if I do wrongs is always welcomed.

I just thought, it is so cool to have a team working on some tasks. Blogging is a new task, from now on. We'll see next, what'll be the new evolution of blogging.

Hell to people who are so "tamak" with their works, should be more grateful to God, just share the nikmah with others, that'll be good to you and good to everyone... don't ya think?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Just updated my fotopages, nothing more interesting than hanging around MIlwaukee City. So many great places in Milwaukee which I don't want to miss. So, all the memories will be carved and stored in my fotopages for the old days. So many things happened but only some out of the so many will be reminisced coz we won't be able to remember all the small details. But, the experience is priceless.

Sitting at the area near the Milwaukee's Museum of Arts gave me a break, feeling the breeze of air blew hard but soft to your skin. What a relief, taking some break from life. Then, as usual, life goes on. Sometimes, it'll be good to stop by at some places to rest your mind and soul, instead of locking yourself in building. Taking a short walk and having a sight seeing are two good things you can do during summer. Other than summer, you'll miss the chance to appreciate the weather. Though it is too hot, but sweating can be the best price for taking a walk in Summer :)

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:: We got Lincoln here in front of the Memorial Museum ::

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:: The wind is so strong... it's the breeze of Michigan Lake ::

Apa aku mengarut ni? Masa panas la bagus berbaju gelap :D