Sunday, May 19, 2019

Think freely

At times you want to be free, but your condition may not allow you. You want to be free of responsibility but the reality is you can't. You can run, but the effect of running comes with consequences.

You can think freely, though you physically are confined. A handicapped can be more flexible and move around flexibly than those who think they are not free to move around. You need permission to go out, though you can just ignore and run. You are governed by the rules in your house but you can decide to break the rules.

Problem when you go out of the boundary, do you have courage to move on or do you even have courage to come back?


So are free to be what you wanna be? Think freely, don't stop yourself. You have the potential to develop further.


Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Puasa Ramadhan 2019

This year marks the 30th year I fast in the month of Ramadhan. I still remember it was tough for me when I was a little kid.

For some reason this year I feel worried for not having fasted much prior to this Ramadhan. I guess being an adult makes it not so hard unless I am tasked to do hard jobs like carrying something heavy in sunny hot days.

I wish this year I have more time to do good sincerely and less worry about not having done good enough. End of the day I ask for strength and will from Allah that will allow me to be more good during this month and years to come. Be good, support others to be good as well and let's do good to the whole world!
