Never give up on Allah because He keeps waiting for you to call Him
Listened to the preaching by several imams and ulama', many would remind us how we are supposed to go back to Allah and keep asking for every small thing. It is a form of ibadah. It is a recognition that we submit to Him in every aspect of our lives. To a point we shall ask Him not to let us rely on ourselves not even a blink of an eye. We shall only trust Him and let Him decide our matters. We shall then have no worries or concerns about what's next. Even the animals do not have to plan and strategize how to hunt for foods tomorrow while they submit to Allah from day to day and from one meal to the next. Ultimately, it is obvious that only Allah grants and provides.
So, the fact that you will eat today or your next meal has nothing to do with what or how much you do things. An A scorer in school has no say that he will earn more than his B or C friends. A school leaver could be a millionaire, beating the university graduates who have the brains but it is Allah who gives to whom He wills to be a millionaire or to be a poor (in the human eyes). In short, the 'poor' in front of humans could be the richest in front of Him.
So, why do you worry? Worry not.
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