Monday, January 31, 2005

The ball that rolls in front of you is just another scene in your life...
What is actually the reality of being in this world?
To tell the truth... is only true by having the same perspective of what is the basis in determining the truth...
Living in the world that has infinite number of perceptions makes life more unique and fun to be in...
To be accounted on every single deed we do is the fact that every single of us is free to choose...
Choose whatever you like, and never blame no one except you ya self...
Boo to ya self or voila to ya self...

Let me be an elucidative memory of life

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Hmmm I need to cast some sentences for the day. It feels weird to not making my mind producing words and ideas. Yes, it needs to be in English coz I lost my fluency as I had lacked mixing around with Americans. It feels great actually having a good bond with my malay friends but still I need to practice my English. Yes, my English is not at the top level like my other friends who are really good with English. But hey, I got this whole opportunity to blog in English, why not give more efforts into English. I know, I feel eager to learn more languages other than 3 languages I had learned including English, but still I'm no good in any of the 3 that I know. But to me, being an above average person will do.. yes it'll be fine if I could be more than ordinary, hey what a claim, still I'm an ordinary person too...

Okay, I should be fine coz I'd produced a whole paragraph more than I'd expected when I started typing. This reminds me back of how I was so pathetic learning English language through Microsoft Words, it was fun... I learn by making sentences and correcting the errors... Yes, I learn from there before I took TOEFL exams (here exams mean twice which I did better in the second attempt). I don't really know how good I was at that time but being in the States had improved me, I think...

Hey myself, don't you remember how others approached you by saying:

"Are the people in Malaysia speak English?" See, why did they ask you that kind of Q?
"You don't have to worry coz you had picked up the slang too after 2 years being in the States," see... others say nothing bad about you...
"I can recognized your slang, it's American," again, the Indian Muslim guy in the UK admitted that, won't you feel happy with that?

No, I'm not... those are only related to conversation, I wanna do better in writing (and typing). Coz presenting English in the text has to be more grammatically good. I can only use the word G-O-O-D for several times to say something nice because I don't have lots of vocabularies in my mind. My mind is nearly empty of words as I did not feel it up everyday with words and inputs in English. Dad told me to do that earlier since I was in secondary school but until today, what had I gain from doing nothing? It's obvious, I'm struggling with the lack of words in making sentences...

Err, stop typing, ooo myself, we need to stop coz we keep making boring sentences again and again... it makes us feel bored...

Ya, I know I need to stop here.... but hey, I had typed more than a paragraph... yes, at last I'm practicing English for myself... ah, I'm no good at this rate... hmm, need to practice more... but why others doing better than me, it can't be like this!!!

Friday, January 28, 2005

Semalam aku bermimpi, aku mimpi aku diberi peluang merasai apakah perasaannya menyembah patung... aku tak tahu kenapa mimpi tu sebegini pelik, tapi aku tak rasa ianya suatu mimpi sebab pengalaman ini selalu aku dapat tiap kali aku nak tido... pengalaman yang bagaikan suatu khayalan tiap kali memikir tentang makhluk yang mengerikan, memang tatkala itu juga badan rasa bagai dihempap...

Tapi semalam pengalaman itu berbeza, memang aku selalu dihempap dan aku kerap kali tahu bagaimana untuk kalahkan "hempapan" yang aku tak minta itu... Memang baru ini aku diuji dengan tekanan yang paling kuat selama aku pernah kena dan alami... yang semalam ni berbeza, aku bagaikan dapat satu pesanan yang mengatakan setiap pengembaraan yang aku lalui itu adalah ilusi yang dialami oleh penyembah agama lain dan yang aku nampak dalam pengembaraan minda semalam adalah patung buddha...

Aku tak pasti, pengalaman ini bagaikan benar tapi ianya menguatkan iman aku terhadap ALLAH Ta'ala... selama ini aku mohon agar aku diberikan mimpi untuk bersua dan mengalami mimpi-mimpi yang dapat memberikan aku keyakinan akan wujudnya Tuhan dan benarnya Islam yang aku anuti ini. Tapi semalam, mungkin itu jawapan yang aku dapat. Memang aku takut, memang aku seram tiap kali aku dapat mengembara... Tapi yang pasti semalam memang jelas aku mendengar suara mengatakan, "inilah pengalaman orang yang mabuk menyembah berhala," kurang lebih ianya bunyi begitu... tapi yang aku tak faham kenapa ada patung buddha? Maybe agama itu yang banyak patung-patung... Padahal Kristianiti pun tak kurang mengagungkan lukisan patung...

Bila fikir balik, mungkin ini adalah tambahan dari ketakjuban aku melihat hebatnya ukiran patung masa berjalan di Perancis dan Itali beberapa minggu yang lalu... Memang satu pengalaman yang membuka mata macam mana kagumnya manusia pada ukiran patung yang cukup detail dan halus sekali...

Ah, itu aku tak perlu risau... aku tak perlu kagum pada patung lagi kerana aku nampak cacat cela dan aku pun tahu patung bukan boleh buat apa, sebab patung tiada kuasa...

Aku kadang tu takut juga kalau aku hanyut dalam pengembaraan yang aku tak minta sebab sering kali akan terasa bagaikan masuk ke dunia gelap dan aku takut tak bangkit je nanti... Takpe, ianya sekadar ilusi, pengalaman ini memang sepatutnya menguatkan iman di hati... Ya, memang jelas, Tuhan itu Maha Satu... dan tiada tuhan melainkan DIA iaitu ALLAH Ta'ala... Moga nikmat hidayah ini kekal di hati kita semua sampai bertemu ALLAH kembali bila tiba saatnya nanti....

Selama aku duduk di US, mungkin agama satu perkara yang aku banyak eksplorasi... Alhamdu liLLAH :)

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Baca balik posting semalam baru perasan, bukan chromatic scale je pakai notation A-B-C-D-E-F-G padahal memang music notation pakai macam tu... baca notes kat internet pun kata 7 huruf tu, takde pun sampai huruf H... Kira nama kumpulan Def Gab C sekadar susunan music notation yg 7 tu... tapi memang susunan menaik yang berulang bila bermula dari huruf D maka susunannya jadi D-E-F-G-A-B-C...

The white tiny things keep falling since yesterday and got accumulated 3 to 4 inches..

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Jap lagi nak keluar ke kelas... tengok2 notes music tadi baru perasan, rupanya kumpulan Def Gab C tu nama derang dari chromatic scale sbb susunan chromatic scale ialah C-D-E-F-G-A-B dan ianya diulang-ulang berterusan.. maka bila huruf B yang akhir tu bertemu semula dengan C atau dalam kata lain letakkan C di depan, maka jadilah dia DEFGABC... sahlah nama kumpulan Def Gab C dari chromatic scale... hmmm ntah kenapa baru perasan, maybe sebab baru je belajar chromatic scale 2 hari lepas dan hari ni tercari cara nak hafal susunan scale tu... dapat gak satu benda best... tak sangka, lagi la senang nak ingat lepas ni... best2...

Time to class... jyaa

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Music Notation

How can I make a master piece of music notes? We'll see how I'm gonna do it... The blend and the mix are required so to make the master piece full of melody...

The staff, the Great Staff, Bass clef and Treble Clef... Hmmm, I need to remember this:

   Chromatic Scale (e.g. keyboard):
         - 13 pitches (1 and 13 are octave apart)
         - every pitch is a half step apart.
   7 letters in a scale: A, B, C, D, E, F, G...
   # used for higher pitch...
   Bass clef: using F clef
   Treble clef: using G clef
   Higher pitch or ascending is to the right
   Lower pitch or descending is to the left

We'll see how I'm doing in couple of months... just couldn't wait to hear my own master piece...

cam best je master piece sendiri :p

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Life is only once

Kau senyum mesra
Mungkin tak mengapa
Tapiku tak bisa
Pasti ada yang kau tak suka

Jangan ditunggu pasti takkan berlaku
Walau ku cinta kamu
Biar disimpan adakan sempadan
Aku dan juga dirimu

Bengong la, apsal tak dapat nak buat ayat macam ni.. padahal sempoi je... Arghh aku nak cuba buat ayat simple macam ni, ada nilai estetika wahaaa cam ye je...
I wanna be like Syed Qutb and other big names in harakah yang pandai bermadah, to me it's not the power to play language but it's the power to write the beauty of life into words... I don't need to be an artist to paint the world into music, I only need my brain and squeeze it for several baits of words...

I wanna learn more language, Arabic, Italiano, Franco, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and whatever language existed on this world arghhh why I'm not taking the opportunities??

I wanna learn more skills, speaking, reading, writing, sewing, repairing, communicating, managing, controlling, leading, planning, flying and whatever skills man can do!!!

I wanna do this and that... haha takde idea dah...

Life is only one, come on... let's rock!! Rocking ya self with lots of reading of materials and singing with lots of positively nice sayings....

Honestly, frankly, positively, favorably, smilingly, kicking ya assly (haha)...

Try and try, do and do... even making ya house damn like hell is ya choice, but ya have ta da it now or you'll regret!!

Argh, why my mind stucks with nothingness, it needs ta give birth ta so much of beautiful words day by day and time and time even seconds by seconds and hell yeah every single second by a second..

Nasal congested and coughing are the blues of winter, yes I'm having'em with me, that's the smile of the life of winter.... It's the season, no! They chose to be with me, so I'll enjoy the feeling of living in a place that had 6 inches of snow which keeps falling until now... looking forward ta live in snow with thickness more than 10 inches... hey guys, let's build a snowman... and let's play war in snow like we used to play... let's dive into the thick snow and crawling like spying in'em...

What do I gonna do to make ya have me
What do I gonna do ta make ya need me
What do I gonna do ta make ya love me
What do I gonna do ta make ya hear me
All it seems ta me
Sorry seems to be the hardest word...

Argh again, simple baits that can lure you....
It seems like typing has its own fun, like I won't stop typing at all...
Since when I like ta type in English,
Maybe this is the symptom of living in snowy day... it's not malaysia, it's USA!!
I LOVE USA!! haha...
You can treasure so many things here
You can do sky diving
You can do horse riding
You can do ice skate in the middle of the city center
You can do skiing, even when ya go ta school...
You can do rally driving when ya drive in snow...
You can do reading of good Islamic materials kept in the univ library..
You wanna find Fi zilal? Sahihain? The library has it all!! Don't be wasted...
You can play PS2
You can go to movies, not falling behind like in UK, it sucks there haha selamba kutuk!
Say all da good things about UK so ya'll enjoy ya stay here...
You can experience driving more than a day...
What else do you want?
Even you can kill somebody if ya want, but that's not ma choice...
Like is like a butterfly
Choosing on which flower to suck the juice of happiness and tranquility
People always land on the flower of entertainment
To some, they prefer the flower of intelligence more than everything
Like I was told by my teacher
"Everyone's priority is based on his/her own choice of preferences"
That is why, you choose which flower of lives you want...
Suck the juice as more as ya want...
You can hope on another flower from time ta time...
Like my uncle said,
"When time comes, you have to upgrade ya self...
I worth striving by rewarding ya self when ya able ta do so..."
Don't be greedy
Share the sweetness of the juice with others
Like my lecturer told the class,
"We are the only living creatures leaving behind records for the better off of the future generations..
People painted down their finding of the meaning of lives into words for the generations ahead
So they'll benefit, and they can read ta find the meaning of living in this world..."
You choose what you wanna be
The freedom of choice burdening on your shoulders the responsibilities of making such choices...

I'm riding a car on the road of death
But I won't regret taking so many paths and stops
Before I reach the end...
Life is only once
I'll die happily

When I were on my deathbed, I wanna smile that I had done alot of things in da past!!! Don't let me regret when I were about ta die...

Friday, January 21, 2005


Selama beberapa hari ini, idea di kepala keep telling me aku perlu buat sesuatu...
Ianya idealistik, itu biasa bila lahir dari fikiranku...
Apa yang kita rasakan ideal tak mungkin mudah untuk terlaksana...
Kalau anda menjadi seorang menteri yang berkuasa,

Apakah yang ada dalam kepala?
Ekor dan money?
Atau EK on OMI, boo kat OMI.. ntah sape Omi hehe..
Tapi yang aku nampak, kena buat sesuatu untuk mendidik...
Kalau jadi PM sekali pun aku rasa perlu didik setiap individu untuk memahami ilmu ekonomi...
Sekurangnya mereka tahu kalau harga naik permintaan turun dan harga turun permintaan naik...
Dapat faham hukum permintaan dan penawaran pun dah kira cukup bagus...

Tapi, kedua hukum ni pun adakalanya tak betul juga sebab ianya bukan hukum alam...
Ianya sekadar memudahkan analisa perjalanan hidup manusia...
Macam senang je bunyi bila formula diformulasikan untuk menceritakan hidup manusia...
Dalam ekonomi kan, kalau tak tau la, manusia la tikus ujikaji...
Setiap tindak tanduk mereka diperhati...
Yang bagusnya, objektiviti kajian sentiasa terjaga..
Eh macam mana sampai macam tu?
Sebab manusia tak perasan yang ahli ekonomi dok perhati je hidup derang...

Hmmm tunggu la aku jadi menteri nanti baru aku nak buat...
The heck? Bodohla kalau fikir camtu...
Dari sekarang pun boleh buat sesuatu...
Apa dia? Ajarla kawan-kawan yang dekat...
Pesal lak? Benda ni untuk masa depan la...
Wohoo betul gak!
Camne nak mula?
Pandaila selit bila berbual ke bercerita ke mahupun berblog...
huuu semangat je lebeyyy poodah....
Tak baik cakap camtu kat diri sendiri tau...
Eh, ikut aku la, ko tu dok diam la...
Ko pesal, ko suh aku diam sama la ko suh ko sendiri diam...
Pesal lak?
Kita kan satu entiti dalam diri ni...
Hei korang ni dah la, asik bertekak je...
Dok diam2 lah, kacau aku tengah menaip je...
Kalau korang 2 tak diam, aku lepuk kang baru tau...
Hehe macam la dalam diri ada 3 entiti, padahal satu je...
Wah, best...
Aku ada sorang kawan, dia ni anak tunggal...
Apa kaitan?
Hai dengar la dulu...
Kaitan dia, takde kaitan pun ehehehe....
Takde, kaitannya nak bagitau la dia sendiri kata dia selalu cakap dgn diri dia...
A'ah kan, kalau anak tunggal siapa lagi dia nak ajak main...
Kalau kawan2 takde, mesti diri dia jadi kawan paling rapat...
Tu la, aku yang ada 7 beradik pun bleh kawan baik dgn diri aku...
Apa kaitan?
Pe la ko nih... aku nak kata tak semesti jadi anak tunggal baru nak kawan baik dgn diri...
Dah-dah... korang ni lari tajuk... orang citer pasal ekonomi boleh citer pasal psikologi...
Eh mesti la, kena la memahami sebahagian diri kita yang dipanggil "psyche"...
Eh apa tu? "Psyche" tu maksud dia roh...
Oooo itu macam ka?
Yela, tu pasal la psikologi ni sebenarnya ilmu yang memahami tentang roh...
Tu asal mulanya la... tapi lama2 dah ada sains jadi la lain sikit citernye...
Kalau tak apa yang kitorang 2 tengah telagah ni masuk la dalam bab falsafah...
Dah-dah, takde kaitan nak sebut pasal falsafah plak...

Ape la aku citer ni... eh suka aku la nak borak dengan diri aku... pegi main jauh2... haha, pelik je diri aku ni... weng ape? :p

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Don't blame others for not keeping up with you but blame yourself if you are the one who is not keeping up!

Pagi-pagi lupa buat sit up, petang-petang pun boleh buat lagi, cuba keep up...

Pagi-pagi tak baca Quran, petang-petang pun boleh lagi, cuba keep up...

Pagi-pagi tak buat push up, petang-petang boleh lagi, boleh je nak keep up...

Asal tahu cara yang betul, kalau nak tone muscle bila time buat pergerakan yang berat cuba hembuskan nafas masa tu lagi terasa... Bila baca Quran, cuba la tarik nafas panjang sikit barula tak tersangkut-sangkut nafas... Tapi lafaz huruf dan tajwid kena jaga, macam tu juga posture badan kena jaga masa eksesais, kalau sit up tarik kepala sakit la tengkuk nanti, tu salah caranya...

Keep up the good works! Be more positive! If able, learn logostherapy, imagining ya self on deathbed and review ya past life, what ya had done? Ain't ya satisfied? If not, ya know ya got the present, wait no more coz ya need to act NOW!! Believe in the power of NOW rather than keeping ya self feeling sad of the past and anxious about what to expect in future... forget it, it's time to act, do it right NOW!!

Need to talk positive and more positive to ma self! Time to move on! Whatever happen, life goes on... things had happened cannot be undone

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Being More Critical

I wanna be more and more and better in criticizing... I got shocked when I was kinda left behind in the class in critical thinking on fiction, I just don't get it why I had to do literature, but know I got a reason. Though, it's required to do literature course to fulfill ma requirement in order to grad, but I don't hesitate to keep trying ma best in that class which I just fell in love... why? Coz I know I never grow up in an American environment, so I should grab this opportunity to be one. I need to work harder with my language, nonetheless.

Now I know and realize that how different Americans think compared to Asian way of thinking, this really reminds me of what I had learned from a friend of mine telling me that Asians and Westerners have different mindsets. At first I wonder how different they are? Even, I was stamped to have a different mindset which is not like Asians... I a little bit disagree but yes it's the truth that I'm working on wearing a Western head, to think like a Westerner in criticizing things and stuffs. Why they got amazed by arts? Why they are so much into music? Why they are so individualistic? Why they are keep themselves (here I'm referring to most Americans I'd met) well-planned with activities and stuffs to be done, today tomorrow and later? Yes, they plan their lives much more better so to avoid the boredom of doing nothing.

The rythm of life is different because the culture and environment provide the background of a better way of life. If I were given to choose whether to live in UK or in US, I would definitely choose US because here I feel the best way to live in today's world. To live in a developed country like America is preparing ourselves to better off from time to time. But, because of yesterday's shock, I need to work on more in transforming my way of thinking to be far more further than me myself of yesterday and the past. I wanna be a new I, and I that has a characteristic of being acumen and positive, so to be a better person than others.... I wanna let myself walking ahead faster than everybody else, coz why? Coz to me, life is too short!!

If you don't do something, don't blame me for leaving you behind... but if ya did pass me, don't forget to say "hello there, nice ta meet ya" :D

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Berjalan Lagi

Semalam masa memandu di Evanston, Chicago rasa seperti berpusing dalam perangkap kerana berpusing-pusing dalam gelap tanpa mengetahui arah tuju. Dengan silau lampu kereta dari banyak arah tak kira depan atau belakang kiri atau kanan, rasa silauan suluhan lampu tu buatkan keyakinan memandu agak pudar tapi masih tekan 40 mph walaupun di jalan biasa bukan expressway. Tapi alhamdu liLLAH, sampai juga ke Devon Avenue walaupun masa sampai ke Devon Ave. tu rasa macam dah silap jalan sebab turned up going into the opposite direction of the place I and my friend were looking for. Tapi masih yakin bila dah berjumpa dengan kawasan Loyola University, tapi perjalanan yang sebenarnya tidak sesusah mana menjadi putar belit bila dah berjalan tanpa mengetahui arah mana yang dituju. Hasil daripada perjalanan jauh baru ni memang belajar untuk tidak segan bertanya, mencuba dan terus mencuba dengan bertanya di gas station. Hasilnya, alhamdu liLLAH we were there. Dah la bawa Uqbah bersama coz he was bored and really wanted to see me. Sampai ada jumpa sorang Chinese mesian ni dia kata "Your son, eh?" heh malu gila, bila masa aku dah kawin, takkan la muka aku ni macam dah tua sangat? Nak buat camne, dah terbiasa berkawan dengan budak kecik tu...

Ish lari tajuk... apa yang dicerita sebenarnya mengenai sikap bertanya ni, bila kita dalam perjalanan kena fikirkan matlamat yang hendak dicari dan kena berusaha untuk buat apa saja to reach to the destination. Memang terkadang orang akan tuduh kita tidak pandai untuk menguruskan suasana, tapi kita kena buat sesuatu. To my brother, Amat, if ya read this posting, really hope you learn from this coz I never thought of you missing me so much lately. Kena cuba berfikir mencari solusi, kita takkan tersangkut bodoh begitu saja, bila kita rajin membuka mulut bertanya inshaALLAH kita akan dapat solusinya. Ligatkanlah otak memikir apakah solusi dan pilihan yang mungkin ada dan pilihlah untuk melakukan kerja yang dirasa paling bagus, you have to be acumen in choosing which and which the best option to be executed, nak jadi bijaksana ni kena praktis dan bila dah jadi kebiasaan inshaALLAH kita akan dapat uruskan diri dengan baik dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara atau urusan. Nak jadi CEO pun kena bijak dalam berkata dan membuat keputusan, that is why Economics is marvelous coz it teaches you how to make decisions, to opt the best options.

Bila berjalan dalam kegelapan semalam tanpa mengetahui arah tuju, that teaches me a lesson too sebab terfikir begitulah juga keadaan orang yang hidupnya takde suluhan hidayah, terkapai mencari hala tuju. Kita yang dah ada suluhan hidayah ni janganlah leka sampai terjerumus balik dalam keterkapaiannya manusia yang tidak pernah merasa suluhan hidayah itu. Memang peranan kita untuk memberikan baiyinah (penerangan/keterangan) pada mereka, dan it's up to them untuk terima atau tidak kerana hati manusia itu di tangan Tuhan, dan hanya dia yang mampu untuk memberikan al-huda (petunjuk itu! petunjuk ke mana? petunjuk sebenar mana hala tuju hidup manusia sebenarnya, you'll when you care about ya self.

To ma bro, Mat , it's time for ya to explore about ya life, to seek the best in you and to search for the things you want in this life. Life is only once, to live here is only once! You won't get another chance to live in this dun-ya and that is why you have to learn to make a wise decision whether for the sake of dun-ya or for the sake of ya aa-khi-roh. I believe you have tasted the taste of being in the true world, but it's only part of it, and expect to taste it more when you jump into a working world. This is the time to seek ya self, what's in you and what's your potential. You don't have to miss me, you don't have to copy me, carve you own way so you'll learn what is the best path you wanna choose in this dun-ya heading planting the seeds of ya aa-khi-roh. Mat, trust me, you can do better than me! I believe all my bro able to do better than me, guide ya self wisely!

Memang percaya adik-adik aku dapat buat lebih baik sebab semua pun boleh dapat keputusan yang hebat! Harap adik aku yang baru abis PMR ni pun boleh masuk boarding school, moga dia dapat la sebab jangan la pecah tradisi, dah 5 orang dah, skang ni yang ke-6, ko jangan pecahkan tradisi plak tau, Man!! To me, life in a boarding school gave you opportunity to train ya self to be acumen.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Sebuah Kehidupan

Puisi yang sempat kukarang dalam keretapi 2 tingkat yang aku naiki dari Lyon ke Paris... sekadar berpujangga untuk diri sendiri...


Lagu kehidupan
Membisik ke jiwa
Membelai manja sang hati
Riang gembira dirasai
Menghiasi diri
Tiada hiba
Hilang gelora
Moga tenang
Memuji Yang Maha Kuasa

Tika musafir melihat dunia
Kukenal erti sebuah kehidupan
Mencari diri yang belum ketemu
Mengenali hati dan jiwa ini
Betapa meronta menagih isi
Menghapus kosongnya ruang raga
Isilah dan penuhilah
Agar diri punya misi
Sebelum akhrinya berangkat pergi

Musafir kali ini banyak mengajarku akan nilai sebuah kehidupan... hargailah hidup ini kerana peluang ini hanya datang sekali...
Milwaukee :: My Best Place Ever!!

Back in Milwaukee for after 2 weeks gone for euro trip. What a relief! At last in ma room, the best place to shout and to sleep and to eat and to study and to do whatever I wanna do!

Been to Chicago, Manchester, Oxford, London, Barcelona, Roma, Paris, Dublin, Manchester, Newcastle, Manchester, Chicago, Milwaukee for the past 2 weeks...New Year in Stansted Airport, London hearing the Scottish pipe played in the PA system while talking phone with ma friend...

Remembering No. 57, Stanford Street, Christ Church (in Oxford -first time masuk church and dgr koir secara live- and in Dublin), Piccadilly Circus, Manchester Piccaddilly Station, Sarah's cottage in Islip, Russell Square, Trafalgar Square, Placa de Catalunya, Vatican City, Colosseum, Eiffel Tower, Château de Versailles, Musee de Louvre, Bastille, Mosque in Paris, Falafel in Barcelona, Roma Termini, Nice Ville, Cerbère, Genova, Lyon, Universtiy of Newcastle Upon Tyne, University of Manchester + UMIST, Trinity College, RCSI, DBS, London School of Economics, St Thomas Hospital, London Eyes, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckhingham Palace, Lemon Grass Restaurant, Dublin Mosque, Packenhem House, Swift Hall, Old Trafford Stadium, Pizza Co, Kebabish, ASDA (adik beradik Walmart), Odeon, Grand Canal kat Dublin,

Got lots of friends, 1 Briton from Manchester named Andrew Coyne a.k.a. Andy, 1 Korean on train to Roma termini named Jae, 1 Tunisian on train to Lyon named Husaam (learn about France and its culture from him and also about Tunisia), 1 Moroccan on train to Lyon named Aajil who loves Malaysia for "a thing" (also learn from him and his French member about France who suggested visiting some great places), chatted with 1 Muslim from India after a prayer outside the mosque in Stanford Street, chatted with 1Arab (forgot the country's name where he came from) in the mosque in the city of Manchester, met Fawwaz (thanks for the adivce and belanja makan!), Wan Zukhri a.k.a. Chef Wan (thansk for the food and treat!!), Nawi (thanks for the stay in Manchester, really2 grateful!), Shah, Irwan, Mazree (thanks alot kasi tumpang bilik), Patli (thanks alot kasi tumpang umah), Faizal (thanks alot for the thoughts about medic and helping us in Manchester), Sarah (learn about family history from her), Azren (really2 thanks for the food and for the guide touring in London and also precious advice!), Kak Id (thanks for the ideas and kasi tumpang umah), Haniez (thanks kasi tumpang umah), Smoke (thanks kasi pakai komputer), and their housemates (argh tensen dah lupa nama derang, lomah ingatan betul), Hanif Mahmud (thanks tunjuk jalan kat Dublin), Lan Hilmi (thanks for nasik goreng yg sedap!), Jazree (thanks kasi pakai comp), Aizad (thanks kat korang berempat kasi stay umah for 2 nights and kasi guna CC korang and also for the foods and PS2 :D), Lida (thanks for the gift), Nuyu, Ustat (lupala nama betul asik panggil ustat je), Rodah (hei terbayar duit kasut tu lebih la!), Fadzli (really thanks for guiding me in Univ of N.U.T.), Shamsul, Fairuz (thanks for buah anggur and kasi pakai comp), Zaim (thanks for kasi pakai comp and the food yg sedap), Ariff (all 5 met in Univ of Newcastle U.T.), Arnee (thanks for the nasik ayam), Asriah (thanks for the buah oren), Farihah, Ariff Yunus (thanks for sharing stories), Anwar a.k.a. Katak (good luck exam!), Dd, Kak Sue, Pali, Imran, juga jumpa tengah jalan a sister dgn anak dia yg tgh kejar her husband (thanks for giving me direction in Newcastle), juga pakcik dalam tren yg aku tak kenal namanya sebab dia ajar aku bahsa french walaupun kami berkomunikasi dalam keadaan yang sukar sebab tidak dapat menggunakan bahasa yang kedua kami paham sekadar beberapa patah dan bahasa isyarat yang digunapakai...

Happy visited Mosque in Paris (terpaksa cakap arab to get the direction -baru la terasa bergunanya ilmu di dada- and also at the mosque dapat teguran that the good comes from the right) and Dublin (a church turned to be a masjeed) including Musolla in Univ of Newcastle U.T. and met with lots of nice friends! Thanks alot for all the treat!! Maaf kalau ambil masa kalian untuk mentela'ah ilmu menjelang peperiksaan yang menjelang tiba, moga kejayaan milik kalian sebagai balasan jasa baik yang kalian taburkan....

ALLAH membuka mataku dunia ini kecil
Tapi sekecil dunia ini ada ramai kawan
Kawan yang cukup baik hati
Senyum, gelak tawa, belanja makan, tunjuk jalan, masak sama2...
Internet, burn pics, tgk citer Berlari ke Langit,
Guna Eurail and Britrail untuk merantau naik pelbagai jenis keretapi
Setingkat, dua tingkat, komuter, underground (tube)...
Kenal lebih mendalam pasal kengkawan
Stories of the past, current and what to come...
Indahnya perjalanan ini...

Yang paling best, dapat belajar banyak perkara dari sahabat semua... banyak kompleksiti yang dapat dirungkai dan terjawab, banyak perkara yang dipelajari, mengenal gaya hidup dan budaya masyarakat di pelbagai tempat, melihat tahap kesedaran sivik yang tidaklah sebagus mana.... Alhamdu liLLAH, inilah yang dikatakan menyahut seruan Ilahi untuk berjalan dan melihat dan berfikir akan apa yang kita dapat dari perjalanan yang kita telah musafiri. Kata al-Imam Hassan al-Banna (ke Saidina Umar, konfius which one) "Untuk mengenal saudaramu, kamu perlu berjalan mengembara bersamanya." Yes, indeed it's really true! Not only those who travelled with me, but also those I met and visited, I'd learned lots about ya all and indirectly learnt about ma self too!

Ah, indah sungguh pengalaman untuk hari-hari yang berlalu sepanjang aku hidup di dunia asing, belajar menyebut Bonjour, Bonjourno, Bonswaar, Bonnenetto, Exkezemua, Miskuzi.... selain bahasa asing yang takde la banyak dipelajari tapi aku belajar satu benda yang cukup berharga, jangan berat mulut untuk bertanya walaupun aku pernah dimarah di Paris sebab aku tak paham bahasa Perancis, tapi it's all experience to me seeing and being in the foreign worlds... syukur dan syukur selayaknya to the almighty ALLAH for showing me and letting me lots of things!!!

Sekadar mencampak secara rawak segala yang terakam di ingatan sekali imbas tentang perjalanan cuti musim sejuk 2 minggu lepas