Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Milwaukee :: My Best Place Ever!!

Back in Milwaukee for after 2 weeks gone for euro trip. What a relief! At last in ma room, the best place to shout and to sleep and to eat and to study and to do whatever I wanna do!

Been to Chicago, Manchester, Oxford, London, Barcelona, Roma, Paris, Dublin, Manchester, Newcastle, Manchester, Chicago, Milwaukee for the past 2 weeks...New Year in Stansted Airport, London hearing the Scottish pipe played in the PA system while talking phone with ma friend...

Remembering No. 57, Stanford Street, Christ Church (in Oxford -first time masuk church and dgr koir secara live- and in Dublin), Piccadilly Circus, Manchester Piccaddilly Station, Sarah's cottage in Islip, Russell Square, Trafalgar Square, Placa de Catalunya, Vatican City, Colosseum, Eiffel Tower, Château de Versailles, Musee de Louvre, Bastille, Mosque in Paris, Falafel in Barcelona, Roma Termini, Nice Ville, Cerbère, Genova, Lyon, Universtiy of Newcastle Upon Tyne, University of Manchester + UMIST, Trinity College, RCSI, DBS, London School of Economics, St Thomas Hospital, London Eyes, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckhingham Palace, Lemon Grass Restaurant, Dublin Mosque, Packenhem House, Swift Hall, Old Trafford Stadium, Pizza Co, Kebabish, ASDA (adik beradik Walmart), Odeon, Grand Canal kat Dublin,

Got lots of friends, 1 Briton from Manchester named Andrew Coyne a.k.a. Andy, 1 Korean on train to Roma termini named Jae, 1 Tunisian on train to Lyon named Husaam (learn about France and its culture from him and also about Tunisia), 1 Moroccan on train to Lyon named Aajil who loves Malaysia for "a thing" (also learn from him and his French member about France who suggested visiting some great places), chatted with 1 Muslim from India after a prayer outside the mosque in Stanford Street, chatted with 1Arab (forgot the country's name where he came from) in the mosque in the city of Manchester, met Fawwaz (thanks for the adivce and belanja makan!), Wan Zukhri a.k.a. Chef Wan (thansk for the food and treat!!), Nawi (thanks for the stay in Manchester, really2 grateful!), Shah, Irwan, Mazree (thanks alot kasi tumpang bilik), Patli (thanks alot kasi tumpang umah), Faizal (thanks alot for the thoughts about medic and helping us in Manchester), Sarah (learn about family history from her), Azren (really2 thanks for the food and for the guide touring in London and also precious advice!), Kak Id (thanks for the ideas and kasi tumpang umah), Haniez (thanks kasi tumpang umah), Smoke (thanks kasi pakai komputer), and their housemates (argh tensen dah lupa nama derang, lomah ingatan betul), Hanif Mahmud (thanks tunjuk jalan kat Dublin), Lan Hilmi (thanks for nasik goreng yg sedap!), Jazree (thanks kasi pakai comp), Aizad (thanks kat korang berempat kasi stay umah for 2 nights and kasi guna CC korang and also for the foods and PS2 :D), Lida (thanks for the gift), Nuyu, Ustat (lupala nama betul asik panggil ustat je), Rodah (hei terbayar duit kasut tu lebih la!), Fadzli (really thanks for guiding me in Univ of N.U.T.), Shamsul, Fairuz (thanks for buah anggur and kasi pakai comp), Zaim (thanks for kasi pakai comp and the food yg sedap), Ariff (all 5 met in Univ of Newcastle U.T.), Arnee (thanks for the nasik ayam), Asriah (thanks for the buah oren), Farihah, Ariff Yunus (thanks for sharing stories), Anwar a.k.a. Katak (good luck exam!), Dd, Kak Sue, Pali, Imran, juga jumpa tengah jalan a sister dgn anak dia yg tgh kejar her husband (thanks for giving me direction in Newcastle), juga pakcik dalam tren yg aku tak kenal namanya sebab dia ajar aku bahsa french walaupun kami berkomunikasi dalam keadaan yang sukar sebab tidak dapat menggunakan bahasa yang kedua kami paham sekadar beberapa patah dan bahasa isyarat yang digunapakai...

Happy visited Mosque in Paris (terpaksa cakap arab to get the direction -baru la terasa bergunanya ilmu di dada- and also at the mosque dapat teguran that the good comes from the right) and Dublin (a church turned to be a masjeed) including Musolla in Univ of Newcastle U.T. and met with lots of nice friends! Thanks alot for all the treat!! Maaf kalau ambil masa kalian untuk mentela'ah ilmu menjelang peperiksaan yang menjelang tiba, moga kejayaan milik kalian sebagai balasan jasa baik yang kalian taburkan....

ALLAH membuka mataku dunia ini kecil
Tapi sekecil dunia ini ada ramai kawan
Kawan yang cukup baik hati
Senyum, gelak tawa, belanja makan, tunjuk jalan, masak sama2...
Internet, burn pics, tgk citer Berlari ke Langit,
Guna Eurail and Britrail untuk merantau naik pelbagai jenis keretapi
Setingkat, dua tingkat, komuter, underground (tube)...
Kenal lebih mendalam pasal kengkawan
Stories of the past, current and what to come...
Indahnya perjalanan ini...

Yang paling best, dapat belajar banyak perkara dari sahabat semua... banyak kompleksiti yang dapat dirungkai dan terjawab, banyak perkara yang dipelajari, mengenal gaya hidup dan budaya masyarakat di pelbagai tempat, melihat tahap kesedaran sivik yang tidaklah sebagus mana.... Alhamdu liLLAH, inilah yang dikatakan menyahut seruan Ilahi untuk berjalan dan melihat dan berfikir akan apa yang kita dapat dari perjalanan yang kita telah musafiri. Kata al-Imam Hassan al-Banna (ke Saidina Umar, konfius which one) "Untuk mengenal saudaramu, kamu perlu berjalan mengembara bersamanya." Yes, indeed it's really true! Not only those who travelled with me, but also those I met and visited, I'd learned lots about ya all and indirectly learnt about ma self too!

Ah, indah sungguh pengalaman untuk hari-hari yang berlalu sepanjang aku hidup di dunia asing, belajar menyebut Bonjour, Bonjourno, Bonswaar, Bonnenetto, Exkezemua, Miskuzi.... selain bahasa asing yang takde la banyak dipelajari tapi aku belajar satu benda yang cukup berharga, jangan berat mulut untuk bertanya walaupun aku pernah dimarah di Paris sebab aku tak paham bahasa Perancis, tapi it's all experience to me seeing and being in the foreign worlds... syukur dan syukur selayaknya to the almighty ALLAH for showing me and letting me lots of things!!!

Sekadar mencampak secara rawak segala yang terakam di ingatan sekali imbas tentang perjalanan cuti musim sejuk 2 minggu lepas


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