aha, dah lama plak tak menaip kat blog nih... hmm lupa pula nak sambung cerita, jom kita ikuti sambungan kisah tergantung:
at that time, memang dah bengang juge kurasakan, mana taknye she was making me late to class... orang tanak miss a bit pun dari lecture tu, tapi mujur la lecture math je... apa lagi, she keep saying that i have to follow her praying to Jesus Christ.. aku kata tanak, tanak la!! degil betul...
"no, i dont wanna follow u, it's against my belief"
"Abduuuul, com'on.. throw away that intelectual"
"NO!! it's not intelectual" degil betul la minah ni "it's my spiritual belief" geram betul orang degil camnih...
"com'on Abdul, throw away that intelectual" degil betul die nih. she added "Com'on Abdul, if God is not real you won't be affected"
"I know, but it's really against what I have learned and what I BELIEVE!!!" hui degil pnye degil la si missionary ni...
Aku pun tunjuk kat die meaning of Sura Al-Ikhlas dalam buku Al-Quran Miracle of Mircales yang aku tengah baca masa jalan ke kelas that day. "U see, Allah is Only ONE, and there is no God except Him"
"I also believe in one God, Abdul. Only Jesus is mediator between human and God"
"ah, I know your belief, I understand that. But for me, for Muslims, we believe that there is nothing between human and God. We can pray and ask directly to God, we don't need any mediator" ala, apasal la die tak paham-paham ni... aku malas nak debate time ni, ikut hati memang kantoi kelas pun takpe, nak je debate, tapi sebab esok ada kuiz n tambahan plak tak ready untuk debate, kang apa aku cakap kang... better avoid debating, i still keep trying to escape...
"Oh Jesus Christ... follow me Abdul"
"Ah".. aku ikut jgak la "Oh Jesus Christ"
"Come into my heart" masa tu aku kata "Oh Allah"
"Oh Allah come into my heart" lega je rasa masa aku doa tu...
"Oh Jesus Christ, you die for us"
"Ah, no... I won't say that. We believe nothing in Original Sin. In my belief, we don't inherit sins. Everyone has to carry his or her own sin. Original Sin is against my belief" masa tu la baru aku dapat melangkah, mana taknya die asik pegang bahu aku je masa die doa. siap die kata "close your eyes"
really a test that time, mana taknya dah la baca buku tengah jalan. buku tu jugak la nak buat jadi defense... begitu la ceritanya.. masa balik tu, missionary tu dah takde... tapi esoknya perasan lagi yg derang still exist near kat junction tempat aku jumpa tu...
Original Sin, hmm did u all know about this concept?? nanti cerita la, nak study lagi ni.. -n-