Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Being an Economist

If you are a neat person
You cannot be an economist
Because you just need to be simple
So you can be one

Because all my econ profs have really bad office (haha)
And I'm being one
'Coz I have really disorganized room (hehe)

Even if you keep arranging things
You'll end up messing ya place again
Again and again
You'll only getting use living with papers and books
(Like I feel good about it hehe... sort of :p)

As long as you can arrange your mind
Your surrounding is second in place
As long as you can speak your mind
How bad you draw a graph is negligible

At least, there is a spot for a mug of coffee
Then, your desk is good enough...
Relax and accept your condition...
'Coz your profs are much more disorganized than you are...
(It's true when you say it is)
How many times arranging and tidying up my room will end up like a cave of papers and written materials.... sometimes it feels good to sleep with papers as your bed and pillow :D Is it all true? Some people know... ask'em then...

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Q and A

If you ask a Q, where do you find the A?
Do ask your friends for the A?
Or the knowledgable ones?
Ask the latter, you'll be in good hand...
(But still, be cautious not to be so fanatic and have an open mind)

Even God tells you to ask the 'ulama, if you don't know
But, how many remember the saying?
Most of us forgot...
Because a tazkirah in an email worth everything...
(Regardless of the truth and the source, as long as it sounds)

You ask and you ask
But you forgot...
Too many Q is no good
Because matching A to a Q is something...
(Not all people will agree with an A you think suits)

Only ask an appropriate Q
Or, you'll end up with no A
To have a Q with no A...somehow
Is really disappointing...
(e. g. Do a loving God exist?)

But the truth is planted in you
To seek the appropriate A through you
The nature of a self, molded by God
So you won't be lost in a path back to Him
(The straight path which the Jews and the Christians had deviated)

In the end,
Don't be sad
All A will be matched with the appropriate Qs
Because we no longer look for A in the hereafter...
(Hope we won't be among the losers who'll be thrown into the Fire)...

Some people tend to spread things without checking about the reliability of the news they heard... they just share thinking of saving themselves from the uncertainties... sadly, they normally waste their time for nothing as things ain't always true... Too bad, if you are one of them, you'll be so dumb... what a waste to regret the past... that is why, check things in the first place and if you are wrong don't afraid to admit... You people out there, I'm always do wrongs, so kick me! will ya?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Duduk kat rumah orang, bila tak tau buat apa2, dicari kerja...
Dimainlah jari-jemari... cuba-mencuba "patah"kan jari biar "letup-letup"...
Lepas dah habis letup, dimain lagi jari-jemari...
Ntah ada lagi bunyi ke idak...
Perhati gelagat diri, kekok tanpa sebarang kerja...
Diam... perhati... Mencari kerja...

Bila di rumah ALLAH pun, menanti saat azan berkumandang...
Berdiri sendirian, melihat sekitar...
Berdiri di saf belakang sementara menanti muazzin berdiri di hadapan...
Hanya seminit dua tiga empat je lagi...
Terfikir apa nak dibuat? Sekali lagi jari-jemari jugak menjadi mangsa...
Mulut berkumat-kamit, tangan patah-mematah jari...
Rasa bersalah kalau sekadar senyap, kekosongan diisi dengan peringatan..
Diqasad/tumpukan hati membatu ke arah Rabb Yang Maha Satu...

Berdiri sendirian lagi...
Terasa di bumi asing, walau bersama saudara seagama...
Kerana dirasakan diam mengisi penantian itu lebih indah...
Lihat sekitar, senang hati melihat kemesraan manusia lain...
Gembira bersalaman dan sahut-menyahut dalam bahasa ibunda mereka...
Dari dunia sendirian, kuperhati dan tersenyum dalam hati...
Senyuman dan kegembiraan juga kegembiraan hatiku...
Manisnya ikatan iman, biar jauh turut dikongsi ketenangannya :)

Kini sendirian lagi...
Sepulang teman serumah, mereka menonton cerita Indon...
Tapi, aku petang tadi bermain bola sepak bersama rakan Indon, Edwin namanya...
Aku tak perlu tatap rakaman, kerana pengalaman aku real live...
Bagi yang tak merasa, cukup sekadar memerhati...
Cuma, waktu tayangan selari waktu membelek buku...
Ilmu yang ditakung ini hanya tinggal 4 hari lagi curahannya...
Hari ke-5 akan diuji kejernihannya...
Sesudah itu, tamatlah seketika perjuangan...
Moga dipermudahkan urusan diri...

Bila telah selesai segalanya...
Bila telah tiada kerja...
Bila terfikir apa perlu buat...
Adakah jari-jemari masih menjadi mangsa?

Kenapa fokus pada diri? Apa peduli tentang apa yang diperkata?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Self...

The "self" is subjective if treasured inward...
It tends to change with the inward change you experienced...
But, why it changes influeced by outward forces?
Coz the "self" is not treasured inwardly...

You will meet with 'anxiety' in the "self"...
That's the saying of Existentialist...
But the "they", you don't find anxiety in it..
Because, the "they", it is influenced by the world around it...

But, you won't get anxiety if the "self" in you is treasured properly...
You'll find peace in you if you shower your "self" with tranquility...
Yes, the source is rememberance of God...
To aim the "self" to God is the path with no anxiety...

You'll be infected with anxiety if you treasured misguidedly...
Because you are like people who are drowning...
Grabbing anything around him to make himself feel secured...
That is why some "self" chose to take entertainment for nourishment..
(Seriously, AF is suck!)

Don't ever agree with Existential mind...
A mind of some atheist philosophers, who are Jewish and Christian...
Who have remorse in their heart...
Deviating from the faith painted by the element of "religion"...

But, you can start explore the "self" in you like Existentialist...
Asking the fundamental Q of life...
What is the purpose of living?
God already told us through his prophet and holy scriptura

The "self" in you will not rest in peace...
If you forgot to feed its need...
As most of us forgot...
The food for the "self" is ma'kulaat ruuhaniyah, the spiritual foods...
The ultimate purpose of life, union of living with God in the hereafter...
Or best been described as living on the straight path to God...

I suspect the ending of this posting to be controversial to those who disagree with the idea of Sufism, believing in the unity with God to the ultimate of saying "married with God through death"... the love to death as the transition/completion of the path to God... as being said by an Existential mind the change from temporal to the unknown... way beyond that, you can cure the anxiety through the philosophy of Logotherapy... live ya life thinking ahead, making today as the past that you'll never want to waste...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

It felt so banal to be in New York.. The excitement that I caught being there for the second time made me realized how boring it was being in a high-tech place, only once or couple of times you might think it is so amazing. Then, after a while you realized, naa it's nothing that exciting, just a feeling of proud saying and showing off to others with the saying, "hey, buddy, I've been there!" So, what? Nothing is that important and nothing is worth being there. Don't ya think? I might say, silly you for going there for nothing. There you go with ya proud and big nose.. shame on ya people haha... same on me :p

Actually, the travel made me realized how easy to be in a place far away. Yesterday I was in NYC, and today tada I am already in Milwaukee... and surely the distance is 800 miles (1400 km) plus. Seriously, it was not by flight that I made myself be there, it was by driving on this wide land of America. Drove for more than half a day, realizing how important to keep my eyes from flashes of the shining sun while driving. Coz, wearing sunglass while driving gives me a way more strength to keep myself fresh and awaken. Your eyes will get tired just because staring on the damn straight speed way, seriously you'll hate to drive on a straight path for at least an hour. You'll realize how your eyes might not want to blink... not even a sec... when the eyes got tired, you'll see stars and imagination of this and that, making you think, "Owh, am I dreaming?" OR "Am I daydreaming while driving?" By that time you better stop driving or you will delve into your dreams without realizing it, making imagination to be a reality. Woho... the hell with you boy?

With that, you better prepare ya self for the coming exam next Wednesday, the day after tomorrow. Then, you'll get only next week before you end you finishing the first half of your summer with a course. What a beneficial time spent for the past one and half month. Alhamdu liLLAH... may ALLAH lead me jumping into the coming days of future.
With the right step, let's recite, "BISMILLAH" and start walking with a smiley on ya face :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The words do not speak... but you are... all with ya self... a selfish you

Nian indah pepasir putih
Ombak memukul ke muka pantai
Ratu bersantai membasahkan kaki
Lidah kelu mata terpaku
Yang indah menenangkan pandangan mata
Dirinya menjadi igauan
Inikah rasa dicuri?
Angguk sang hati, mungkin...

Mengarut sekejap... NM pasti paham apa maksud di atas hehe...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Kerna ku jauh di perantauan
Sedekat manakah di hatimu, teman?
Biar terpisah di atas daratan...
Jangan terpisah persahabatan

Ingatkah lagi sewaktu dahulu?
Sewaktu kita bahu membahu...
Berkongsi tempat di gedung ilmu...
Mencari jalan mengenal YANG MAHU SATU...

Kini, kau bersama hidup sendiri
Meniti hari demi hari
Walau berbeza apa yang dihadapi
Tapi kita tetap sahabat sejati...

Buat teman-teman...
Saat dahulu hanya impian...
Selamat tinggal diucapkan...
Kita tetap kekal kawan...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

LIfe is only once
Life after here is forever
Life for you is as free as you want
Life demands responsibility for the free will you have
Life will be rewarded for the responsibility you carry
Life is actually short

It feels like yesterday we woke up
It feels like yesterday we were young
It feels like yesterday we went into kindergarten
It feels like yesterday we began to walk
It feels like yesterday we start to think by our own

But it never like today without yesterday
Because it is like tomorrow because of today
Before today there is yesterday
Because after today there is tomorrow
If tomorrow we ain't here anymore
That means tomorrow we will be over there
Yesterday, ain't we here yet?

Life is once!

Hidup hanya sekali... kalau dijadikan binatang sekali pun, hanya sekali dirimu berada pada saat ini, pada ketika ini, pada waktu ini, pada kedudukan sekarang, pada jiwa sekarang, pada jasad sekarang, pada hati dan raga sekarang... percaya pada Tuhan atau tidak, semua itu akan dibalas kerana kebebasan memilih membekalkan tanggungjawab ke atas setiap bahu... hiduplah sekali dengan kebenaran...