Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Self...

The "self" is subjective if treasured inward...
It tends to change with the inward change you experienced...
But, why it changes influeced by outward forces?
Coz the "self" is not treasured inwardly...

You will meet with 'anxiety' in the "self"...
That's the saying of Existentialist...
But the "they", you don't find anxiety in it..
Because, the "they", it is influenced by the world around it...

But, you won't get anxiety if the "self" in you is treasured properly...
You'll find peace in you if you shower your "self" with tranquility...
Yes, the source is rememberance of God...
To aim the "self" to God is the path with no anxiety...

You'll be infected with anxiety if you treasured misguidedly...
Because you are like people who are drowning...
Grabbing anything around him to make himself feel secured...
That is why some "self" chose to take entertainment for nourishment..
(Seriously, AF is suck!)

Don't ever agree with Existential mind...
A mind of some atheist philosophers, who are Jewish and Christian...
Who have remorse in their heart...
Deviating from the faith painted by the element of "religion"...

But, you can start explore the "self" in you like Existentialist...
Asking the fundamental Q of life...
What is the purpose of living?
God already told us through his prophet and holy scriptura

The "self" in you will not rest in peace...
If you forgot to feed its need...
As most of us forgot...
The food for the "self" is ma'kulaat ruuhaniyah, the spiritual foods...
The ultimate purpose of life, union of living with God in the hereafter...
Or best been described as living on the straight path to God...

I suspect the ending of this posting to be controversial to those who disagree with the idea of Sufism, believing in the unity with God to the ultimate of saying "married with God through death"... the love to death as the transition/completion of the path to God... as being said by an Existential mind the change from temporal to the unknown... way beyond that, you can cure the anxiety through the philosophy of Logotherapy... live ya life thinking ahead, making today as the past that you'll never want to waste...


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