Thursday, April 29, 2004

Banai... Ni Apa Aku Belajar Sem Lepas...

Kinda interesting if can share all the knowledge I'd gained from my Christian Theology class which I took last sem. Once happen, the lecturer seemed to be really eager to kill me (hampeh, dia buat contoh sampai dicekiknya leher aku, takpe for the sake of study -kunun2). Then, most of the time if I don't understand the subject, I'll walk back with Father Joe discussing about the lecture stuffs. But, I did something that I'm not really sure if it is wrong or not coz I agree with Father Joe we Muslims and Christians worship the same God. I was at that time thinking about ALLAH coz that's what Abraham and Moses preached to their people. But, then when Father Joe said the only difference is "the concept of God." Cis!! I was trapped. Just after I agree with the same one God that both religion believe, I then rewind my memory of what I heard after a Friday Prayer couple days before the class. There were 2 Muslims discussing about the danger of interfaith.

"We Muslims should clarify this fact that we did not worship God as 3 persons, we did not recognize Jesus as God coz he's only one of the prophets and firmly we never accept Holy Spirit as God."

AstaghfiruLLAH, why did I agree with such matter. Definitely, most of the time after class I will repeat my shahadah coz I really afraid that my heart might accept all those things I'd learned in each lecture. But, I was proud to be the only non-Christian in the class. Father Joe always encouraged me to speak up and voice out my mind. Coz for him it'll make the class more interesting coz they want to learn how to answer questions which might attack their faith in Christianity. I can learn Greek too you know, coz the text we used written by a Christian theologian from Rome, I think, forgot already.

Sometimes, my head will suffer coz most of the stuffs sometimes made me fighting within myself. That's one part which scared me, though. Alhamdu liLLAH, I'd finished the course. I thought we only learn the history but at last we learn much about the growth of the Christian faith, from how they formulate until they achieved a stable and clear understanding of the faith they claim to be the right one. But, it was amazed when the assistant lecturer, who always help Father Joe, said "Islam really gave a big impact to the understanding of Christian Theology coz when Islam came, we Christians able to answer and understand some issues which were unclear to us before." (dalam hati aku, mesti dia cedok kalau atau derang berusaha keras nak buktikan Kristianiti dah stabil sebab takut Islam lagi kuat, ntah le). But it is really the thing that made me feel proud coz it shows that Islam is better coz it's the only way of life which enlightened humanity and civilization since 1400 years ago, and even Islam indirectly helps enlightening the Christians from the saying that the spread of Islam really gave a big impact to Christianity.

Learning the course, you'll make yourself struggling with the truth you already learned back then. I will never agree with the effort of trying to make the illogic to be logic (ah katun lah ayat aku nih haha). The concept of one essence of God and 3 beings (Pa, Son, Holy Spirit). Even math principle fails to explain this idea. 3 equals to 1, obviously wrong. Then, how the normal human beings, the groups of Fathers in the Christian history, discussed about Jesus as human and also as God. How do they know? Jesus exists before time, Jesus was eternally exists as the Word of God and when the time came the Word was incarnated into the flesh, and so it appeared on the Earth among the people. Why do human need a divine man who is God and human at the same time? Coz they claim when Adam and Eve sinned, all human beings are cursed with the sin. This is the idea of "Original Sin" believed by the Christians. In Islam, this is really wrong coz we never carry the burden of sins for others. Every individual carry his or her own sin, even Jesus who only a normal human being could not carry the sins of all humans even if he had to sacrifice himself, this won't work coz this is really absurd. Lots more which are not logic.

Seems to me, their faith and principle developed throughout the history. The principle is clearly not fixed, debated among humans using the writings which they claim to be sacred, collected in a single book named Bible after they agree to select and keep the writings which they claim to be written by persons guided by the divine inspiration (thru Holy Spirit)... (wah pening la aku, ntah apa aku ngarut nih). So, there can be any writings which can be put into the Bible, but I was really sad coz I failed to answer what Father Joe said, "isn't that Muhammad your prophet also received inspiration from God, we believe the same thing happened to the writers of the letters and other sacred writings in the Bible (a.k.a. the Book)." How come I failed to explain this? I only kept quiet coz nothing in my mind to oppose what Father Joe said. But then, there was a time I read a book by Ahmad Deedat, he wrote that our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW was like a speaker, he spreaded the word of God to the people exactly the same lines and structures from what he heard from the inspiration (wahyu). Hmmm... how can I explain this to Father Joe, until today I did not explain this to him...

Hmmm, I agree with Banai that it is wrong that religion developed (changed) throughout time, our religion, Islam, is fixed from the beginning and applicable for the past, today and definitely for the future too. The only thing is that people are still not clear with this fact... like Banai said claiming that time had changed where people are not crazy for sex like before so no reason of saying that hijab is waajib for the women. This is really wrong. People always look for reasons and the gains from all the imposition of Awamir wa Nawaahiy (commands and prohibitions), which are told in Quran and Sunnah. It is true that the guidance that ALLAH set is good for human and their nature... we should never question this, questioning this is like challenging ALLAH, who is the God and who are the slaves?? That is why we should realized that we do all that because of our awareness of God, we aware that all that are what ALLAH asked us to do. We only had to follow without questioning, sami'naa wa atho'naa (we hear and we obey).

Surely the most important is Taqwa. This is what I thought this morning when walking to class and I feel I wanna share this with everyone. From the kalimah "Taqwa" we can derive the kalimah "quu" (prevent) and "quwwah" (strength). When thinking about these 2 derivations, a hadith from matan arba'in (the 40 Hadiths arranged by Imam Nawawi), came into my mind... where the Prophet SAW was asked about Taqwa then our beloved Prophet pointed to his chest 3 times (wa yusheeru ila sodrihi tsalaatsa marrotin). Popped!! One input for me today, the prevention comes from the strength of the inner part of oneself. The strongest person is the one who can control his anger, this is also from the inner part. Oooo.... that's the point why the Prophet pointed to his chest 3 times, in arabic when repeating a term or saying more than once it shows tawqid (seriousness i.e. how strong it is). Then, it is from the Prophet himself how he shows us the most important part of making ourselves to be a strong Muslim, it starts from the inner part. That's where the prevention, the strength, and the God-awareness come from. O myself, try my best to feed the inner part of me so I can be strong with all the temptations of life.

Hmmm habis hancur BI aku... maaf atas kekurangan, tambah2 dah ngantuk ni idea pun berbelit-belit lagi2 bila diskas pasal benda yang berbelit-belit... correct me if I'm wrong.... onegaishimasu (please)..


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