Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Today, went to PJ Development Center. Was a good way to take a break from going to office, since got no specific job to do lately. Spent a day, and coming 3 days, on Eviews, a good revision for me coz I haven't been using it for the past one and half year.

I just realized how I used to love Scion, but now the car doesn't appeal to me that much. I'm thinking of making a Gen2 car as the Scion replacement, not big different in the concept, just that Gen2 has 4-door. If a Gen2 has 2 side-doors, I'll get it if I can afford one :D

Went to celebrate my friends' wedding last weekend. It was not that fun as I didn't really have the urge to see anybody on that day. The reason being is that I hate to hear people said I had changed physically. Dammit people, I'm no more like before, I'd grown this big as an adult, so respect me. The best thing I remember was a guy approached me without asking me whether I know him, talking to me as if we've known each other for long. The face was familiar to me but I couldn't recall his name. I couldn't be a courteous guy when socializing with people as I'm really bad at it, seriously. SO, I just left him without thinking of asking his name, my will was obstructed, no reason for me to continue asking him. I did ask my bro-in-law of the guy's name, but sorry, until today I can't recall the guy's name. Was I a famous person? I can't recall either, maybe people do know me, but sorry I can't remember everyone's name since I'm forgetful now compared to before.

I just couldn't imagine year(s) to come, how am I going to face my visitors? I barely remember everyone's name. Even my bro's friend approached me on that day asking me as if I'm his old friend. He was suprised to find out who I am. Do I look like my bro? Even my uncle mistaken me for my bro, and I believe my grandpa did it too lately. Do I really look like my bros? I doubt, we all have different faces.

Ah, what should I care. What I know my family is big, the people are big too, that's why I love my big family.

When my time comes, don't get offended if I had to ask your name, okay?


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