Today is a fun day, we got snow accumulated... making the city and especially the university looked white and fluffy :p The best thing is, it is the first day of December, and exactly on this first day of the last month in this year 2005 we got snow... what a coincidence? Na, betsuni... just a made up, what I mean is, this day officially marks the start of white winter season, yey... it's cold (we say "samui" in Japanese, or "bareed" in Arabic -kalau tak silap la hehe)... though it's cold, but it's the taste of winter, I'm loving it!
Ah, I don't care about putting more weight, as long as my winter will always be fun ("tanoshi" in Japanese, and "sa'eed" in Arabic)... hmmm, trying my best to recall my arabic vocabs...
Kalau di hemisfera utara sejuk, maka di hemisfera selatan pula? It's obvious kan? While my friends from Australia and NZ spending their time in Malaysia, I'll be staying here in this cold weather... coz next year will be my turn to be back to Malaysia! Can't wait for the time to come!
Ah, I don't care about putting more weight, as long as my winter will always be fun ("tanoshi" in Japanese, and "sa'eed" in Arabic)... hmmm, trying my best to recall my arabic vocabs...
Kalau di hemisfera utara sejuk, maka di hemisfera selatan pula? It's obvious kan? While my friends from Australia and NZ spending their time in Malaysia, I'll be staying here in this cold weather... coz next year will be my turn to be back to Malaysia! Can't wait for the time to come!
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