Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Melihat ke Hadapan

1. The firm has already spent $150,000 on developing a new product which when finished will
have an expected future net profit (present value) of $140,000. Some managers want to
continue development since their best estimates are that it will take another $90,000 to
complete development. Should the firm continue to develop?
--> Yes …. Because all such decisions should be ‘forward-looking’ and should properly ignore
sunk costs, such as the $150,000 already spent. Looking forward, the expected marginal costs
to complete are 90k and the expected benefits are 140k. Only these magnitudes should be
considered in the decision.


Ni ilmu duniawi yang jarang-jarang kita nak sedar aplikasinya. Keputusan masa depan tidak sepatutnya terhalang oleh kegagalan di masa lepas. Perkara yang dah lepas tu biarkan ianya berlalu sebab dah tak jadi real dah sebab sekadar kenangan yang kalau pertikai macam mana 'pot-pet-pot-pet' sampai sudah pun takkan dapat diubah. Orang kata lajak perahu boleh undur balik, tapi lajak kata (atau perbuatan)... paham saje la maksudnya ye...

Tiada perlu pertikai perkara yang lalu... Kita hidup senyum-senyum melihat masa depan yang masih (ye ke?) ada untuk kita :)
Elakkan mempertikai perkara yang lalu... sikapnya macam kita mempertikai qadha' dan qadar ketentuan Ilahi... senyumlah selalu bila melihat ke hadapan :)


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