Monday, October 06, 2003

Email from Father Joseph...

I got this email early this morning. I sent email before going to bed asking him about the meaning of regula fidei (I think it's a term in Greek) because it appears so much in the assigned readings. So, I know understand what it is meant. Conclusively, regula is regulation (rules). Fidei is then faith. I still remember some other terms especially Persona which is person in Greek.

Not so sure whether its Greek or Latin words. But surely, I enjoyed leaning new language. Sore wa toke-o hehe that's Japanese sentence I learnt from my housemate early this morning. Com'on, let's study languages as much as we could :) Maybe next sem I wanna take Spanish, so Mexican will think that I'm one of them hehe, then I'll have more chance to apply for jobs if I can pretend to be a Chikan (Istilah Mexican bagi kitorang orang mesia kat Milwaukee ni). I just know una nina but I forgot the meaning, maybe it means 'that's a girl (or maybe a boy, forgot already lah)...


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