Friday, April 29, 2005

At last, done with paper for this week. But still have some more papers next week, one down three more to go. What a life as as social scientist... Read and write, read and articulate, study and present into words. But luckily we study human behavior, learn about humans... To us, humans are our laboratory rats, we see how they run, how they eat, how they react to a medicine through policies and laws.... interestingly, humans are only rats for the social scientists, what a fact... makes me wanna laugh, how dumb humans are acting in the world instinctly (konon)...

Owh, by the way, I posted previously that in the UK there is no policy of minimum wage, but I did stumbled upon on BBC's article yesterday when finishing my term paper for Labor Econs class, stating that Bristish initiated the policy in 1999. But still it makes me laugh silently (because I was in library, haha) learning about it 'coz we in the States imposed the policy since 1938, hmmm in the 30s, but after more than half a century Bristish government adapted with the policy. A friend of mine in the UK did questioned me about how silly we are to follow the rationality according to the Western non-Muslim economists (or better state as philosophers) because to us buying and consuming alcohol are not rational at all. But, you what, today there is a movement to interelate Economics and morality. Yes, friend, you are right it is not rational, but we are working on that issues right now. People are not that blind, so many hearts are still wet in the West only that they need our help to guide them, their wet hearts deviated because they were and are misguided.

I just handed in my paper this morning discussing issues on minimum wage. It is a policy legislated to help the working poor, to narrow the wage gap between the high-income and low-income workers. For decades, the wage gap had widened tremendously. But, economists and policymakers are expressing their concern how the wage gap affects the well being of the society. Yes, economy plays a big part influencing people's behavior. People earn and buy, people take loans and do business. But, to some Americans, earning more than 100,000 bucks in a year is not enough, claiming that they are far more below the standard of rich. The fact that top figures like the superstars in sports and entertainment earn billions of dollars in a year makes the Americans to think "there are so many people people like Bill Gates out there, I ain't gonna call ma self rich, I'm still poor." But, hey, this is American, the West, life is only once and for all, living life the fullest, crazy! Full outside, but empty inside. Outside full with fat.

Hey dude (jangan pakai perkataan ni sebab sebenarnya digunapakai untuk orang yang mabuk.. eh betul ke? ntah, aku dinasihatkan macam tu) man, it's time to rest. Done enough with typing. Naah, it's me, keep thinking, mind should not be stopped from getting inputs and producing outputs. The heart will not be at ease if you wasted life for nothing. Betta do something, hmmmm let's cook something. No no, let's eat cereal oat, good for ya heart and warming ya body. Yeah, oat we chose, so oat we are looking for, then... sleep well my sweetheart...

A man is called bee and a woman is called honey... bee produces honey, not sucking honey, what a paradox.... maybe it's better to call a woman flower, so the bee (or the 'buaya'-type male) will suck the honey from the flower... apa la ada pada bunga tanpa madu? Madu paling berharga ialah madu yang pertama dihasilkan, amatlah rugi bunga-bunga yang telah disedut madunya oleh sang lebah durjana... wei tak baik ko kutuk lebah, lebah ni disebut dalam Quran sebagai salah satu wonders yang manusia patut perhatikan untuk menuju jalan ma'rifatuLLAH... astaghfiruLLAH


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