Thursday, May 06, 2004

Be the middlemen

Be the in the middle, don't be too hard and don't be too soft. Be the middle one, help to rebuild a broken relationship of those in dispute. Be the good one, the good one is in the middle, not too high and not to low, everyone can accept and achieve the middle one. The far can reach the middle and the near can reach the middle. The lower can climb up with the help of the middle one, and the middle can climb up catching the upper one. Be the middle. Not too strict and not too lenient. Be the middle one in your society, mid-class can enjoy being with the lower one without feeling ashame like the upper one, the middle one can hang around with the upper one without feeling ashame like the lower one. Be the middle ummah (ummatan wasathon) so you'll be the witnesses to the lower ones as you care about'em and also for the upper ones as you aware of their action. Be the middle one, when you fall down you won't be hurt as much as the upper one. Be the middle one, when you strive to climb, you won't suffer as much as the lower one. Be the middle one, don't be too confident and please don't be afraid or worried. Be the middle one, so you won't feel shy to voice out like the lower ones who afraid of no one hearing'em and you shut your ear like the upper ones who hard to accept othes' opinion especially from the lower one.

---> eliminating the middlemen in production does not necessarily mean lowering the price of production.
---> normally the middlemen know how to obtain materials, e.g. factor of production, with cheaper costs and better ways.
Be the middle one... not too extreme okay? orang kata pilih yang sedang je pun cukup la eheh...


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