Tuesday, May 10, 2005

benci betullah... when i was reading i saw him passed by... i had chased him for weeks and still when i went to his office just now, poof i missed him again... man!!

come on Dr. Nourzad, i really wanna get ya approval so i'll be eligable to register my in your grad class... i have to try harder searching for him because i really wanna take this grad course... i need to have his signature to be in his class, why is it so hard to tail him... hope the time'll come...

need to go, still got an hour to prepare for exam. hmmm i kept thinking when walking down hill to school about my neighbor's invitation to a party. i don't know why i feel awkward just because i say hello and we talked this morning after a very long time being neighbors. then suddenly an invitation? owh man, can't forget how my friend with 'tudung' on her head taking pictures at a table with beer, even i myself could not stand looking at the devil's pee. but why she could stand being around and having beers on table? i don't know, to some people it is okay as long as you don't sip a beer, but to me alcoholic drinks not only haram to myself but i could not agree with one drinking, or even put a glass of the pee, in front of me. could not stand the smell, we in milwaukee had got used with the smell of brewing beers but hell no i could not stand being around with beers in front of my eyes.

I use Listerine, but sadly an advertisement wrote, "there is 30 percent of alcohol in Listerine, but in Crest mouth washer has no alcohol at all." according to homer simpsons, we should say "Do'h!!"


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