Thursday, June 03, 2010

I am sitting alone in office, all went out for lunch. Already close to mid-year. Jihah is about to turn 2, who now can better understand instructions and also able to tell what she wants. Better, she can even sing "nenek² si bongkok tiga" and "twinkle² little star." Shifaa can now sit and able to roll over. More, she can now get angry if things were taken from her hands, or even growl when she is not fed and definitely asking for more.

What have I learned in the past 5 months? Have I completed my duties? I'm struggling as an employee, as a son, as a father, as a husband. That's life. Something that is very hard for young people to understand. Mom always asks why young generations these days very reluctant to face hardship. I can only hope my younger siblings can comprehend this, life is not easy. We need to steer everyday, carefully and to look ahead.

But, I don't get it, why some people say they refuse to look back? I think we need to look back, so that when we look forward, we know several things that we need to avoid. When you are sorry, is it that simple you just say sorry but not acknowledging that you are at fault? That's why we need to look back, to look at what we've done and what we can improve for the future.

Well, easy said than done. Logic alone may not be enough to some. Emotion is another factor that controls you. But, if you let emotion alone to lead you, you may not see things clearly. I guess, your steps explain your priority. Your priority is definitely what you prioritized. So, if family is greater than work, that's what you decide. Even, to some people, offspring is not in their list, what they care most is only their spouses, so let others to take care of their kids. Sad.

Marriage? Is not just 2 souls anymore. It is part of nation building. Many failed to see it that way? Young generations? Take things easy as what they want. Hard truth is hard to swallow when what these 2 souls want is different from what their parents want, or what their community want. This is what I have been thinking, how can kids easily forget the sacrifice of their fathers and mothers? We ask the parents to submit to their children? So, the world is close to its end, when the young ones become the masters.

Even those who claim possessing good understanding of the religion failed to comprehend this. They say they learned the religion way better than their parents. So, their parents are supposed to submit, not them. That simple? Just because you went to better school, or higher level of education, parents have no more power to give orders. Sad.

I'm looking at my 2 kids everyday. What will they be? What kinds of test will be prepared for me and wife? I submit my case to Allah. HE decides, I will play the game at my best.

Your world is upside down when you put your parents under your 2 feet. Heaven is up there. So, tell me where your mom and pop should be placed? You better comprehend this: "your heaven is under your mom's feet."


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