Monday, March 31, 2014

I am posting this while watching a sitcom where the setting is in chicago, reminds me of college days.

What can i say, i want pour out more thoughts tonight but my baby boy is awake crying for his milk. I shall stop here..

Saturday, March 15, 2014

I recall now why I wanted to drop a line couple months ago, not merely to keep my blog alive but I was part of the old self in me who wants to re-emerge and be more active in sharing my views. I have been living in a cocoon trying not to share too much because I have been telling myself that I need to observe more.

It turns out, even when I try to refrain myself from saying anything online, I have been spitting a lot to people offline, either a direct face-to-face or perhaps via other gadgets.

This is a wake up call, I should be able to make use of my blog to recover and more importantly to keep the engine in my head always on the highest gear. I have felt that refraining from sharing has been slowing down my thought process. I have become more reserved, more unsure of how to convey my thoughts and worse I have no view at all. I have to either ask around, or at least talk to someone so that I will kick start my brain from being idle.

My reading assignment, at least, is pushing me to read something heavier than normal. I would rather watch TV and doze off with my imagination. But, talking about serious business has long been neglected for years. I used to be alone in my room, no one to bother me, and then read news, articles (not in books but on the net) before I take the time to make a posting, lashing out what I have harbored inside me.

Forget about myself. I wanted to keep a note to myself before going through a group discussion on the topic that I am reading right now: "Capitalism and Freedom." I never doubt that people with great minds think will not jump straight into economic questions because they seem to base their judgment on the first question to ask, what do you mean by being alive? what do you mean by individual need vs. society? what is the very meaning of existence?

Friedman seems to believe that economic freedom is a basis for political freedom. It seems a bit absurd to have totalitarian socialism that will ensure economic freedom. To certain extent, I can follow his argument, but I kept thinking that the thought process back in the 60s has been influenced by the developments after the Great Depression, World War and even the Cold War between the US and Russia. I totally understand why an American thinker would promote such idea that free capitalist economic system is much better than totalitarian socialist system. Even the Great Depression has been the reason why some people would opt for socialist system due to the failure of a free market to adjust by itself.

I am now reading the second chapter which discusses about the role of government in a free market. I have been listening to few recordings on youtube which Friedman believes the government has only limited role, and most of economic decisions shall be made by individuals. Only when there is disagreement, or failure to reach unanimity that the government intervention will be required to maintain the balance within the society. However, if a case attracts the least concern among the society, it would tend to have insignificant impact to the unity and peace in the community. In other words, if the society as a majority care less about what an individual does, it will normally impose less harm to the society from the effect of individual action. So, Friedman probably would say it is okay to do drugs as long as the individual will not do harm to the society. To leave defense matters for an individual to decide may not necessary works before who would be in his right mind sacrifice himself for the benefit of the mass? This would be among matters that is hard for individuals to decide but have to agree with the majority that this shall come under the role of the government, which is to maintain stability.

I wonder whether I am thinking straight. More importantly, do I follow what is the thinking Friedman believes in. I bet keep some notes here will assist me to re-collect some of my thoughts that have while reading about this issues.

I am calling it off for tonight. I will continue to play with words tomorrow.

Will I blog another post tomorrow? The count is telling me someone has been visiting, I wonder who?
